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  1. Type: Virtual lab
    Language: English
    Author: G. C. Goodwin, S. F. Graebe, M. E. Salgado
    Description: Web page for the book Control System Design about control theory. Among other resources, this web includes a section with simple interactive simulations that cover real-world problems (distillation columns, mills, pH control, etc.), which are explained in detail.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0
  2. Type: Virtual lab
    Language: English
    Author: Edward Kamen, Bonnie Heck (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    Description: Applets designed as an aid to the study of certain aspects of the theory of continuous and discrete signals and systems (Fourier transform, convolution, filtering, sampling, aliasing, etc.) explained in the book Signal and Sytems. Also there are experiments for control theory like poles placement, root locus, or relation between frequency an time.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0
  3. Type: Virtual lab
    Language: English
    Author: Triangle Research International
    Description: Although "i-TRiLOGI" is a comercial software for programming PLCs from TRiLOGI company, there is a free educational version of it for teachers and students. This software allows user to design a ladder program using many functions, and simulate it without needing the real PLC, throught a easy interface. Thus, it is suitable for beginners in PLC programming.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0
  4. Type: Virtual/Remote Lab
    Language: English, Swedish, Greek
    Author: Ingvar Gustavsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology
    Description: Electronics laboratory capable of emulating a traditional one. The laboratory supply basic equipment, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, function generator and power supply. With these and a number of electronic components you can build circuits on our virtual breadboard. The circuits you build will be formed and measured on, with real equipment. The laboratory is open for guests when its not used in regular lab sessions. Guest sessions are limited to 30 minutes.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-06)
    Voting 0
  5. Type: Virtual Lab
    Language: English
    Author: Bill Messner (U. Carnegie Mellon), Dawn Tilbury (U. of Michigan) Rick Hill (U Detroit-Mercy), and many students.
    Description: Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (CTMS) are designed to help you learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink for the analysis and design of automatic control systems. They cover the basics of MATLAB and Simulink and introduce the most common classical and modern control design techniques.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-05)
    Voting 0
  6. Type: MOOC
    Language: English
    Author: Pedro Albertos, UPV
    Description: MOOC "An interactive course about the basic concepts of Systems, Control and their impact in all the human activities", taught by Prof. Pedro Albertos. This course requires a minimum use of mathematics, and, thus, it is adequate for beginning students or researches from other areas. It lasts for six weeks, an its free.
    Added by Administrator (2016-01-25)
    Voting 0
  7. Type: Miscellaneus
    Language: English,Spanish
    Author: UNED, Others
    Description: In UNILabs, you can find interactive laboratories from a wide variety of fields: automatic control, physics, electronics, etc.
    Added by Administrator (2015-11-04)
    Voting 0
  8. Type: Virtual lab
    Language: English-Spanish
    Author: University of Alicante
    Description: KivaNS (Kiva Network Simulator) is a free and open source Java based application which allows user to design data network schemes and to simulate the IP routing through these networks. In contrast with the majority of available free simulation applications, which are designed to evaluate throughput of the specifics protocols, the main aims of KivaNS are simulate how IP works, and, specially, study the different techniques to route the data packets through different network technologies.
    Added by Administrator (2015-02-19)
    Voting 0
  9. Type: Virtual Lab
    Language: English
    Author: Johns Hopkins University
    Description: Good collection of interactive applets focused as a visual aid to understanding different theoretical aspects in the theory of linear systems and control.
    Added by Administrator (2015-02-26)
    Voting 0
  10. Type: Remote Lab
    Language: English
    Author: A. Vicino, D. Prattichizzo, A. Garulli, M. Casini, A. Giannitrapani (Università di Siena)
    Description: Server including remote experiments on different plants (motor, magnetic levitation, helicopter, LEGO robot, tanks). It allows the introduction of control code developed by the user and even contemplates the realization of system identification practices and competitions among students. The lab also includes the simulation of some system like a 2 DOF helicopter.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0

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