Tags: automation* + cc2-design_methods* + control*

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  1. Type: Virtual Lab.
    Language: English
    Author: REX web farm
    Description: The purpose of this ContLab is to introduce free virtual laboratories (Java applets) presenting advanced control algorithms for automation and robotics. Using these interactive tools, you can learn a lot about PID control and autotuning, predictive control, sliding mode control, vibration damping, motion control, etc. The applets can be used for all educational, RTD and commercial purposes. ContLab is a cornerstone of REX web farm.
    Added by TC 9.4 (2016-02-23)
    Voting 0
  2. Type: Miscellaneus
    Language: English,Spanish
    Author: UNED, Others
    Description: In UNILabs, you can find interactive laboratories from a wide variety of fields: automatic control, physics, electronics, etc.
    Added by Administrator (2015-11-04)
    Voting 0

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