Tags: cc4-mech-rob-comp* + virtual* + robot*

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  1. Type: Virtual Lab.
    Language: English
    Author: of the Robotics and Automation Lab., University of Western Australia
    Description: This site provides different software tools for simulating autonomous mobile robots, among which are SubSim and EyeSim. SubSim is a submarine simulator with physics engine, sub-sea terrain models, flexible API. EyeSim is a mobile robot simulator for multiple robots with vision feedback, collision detection, error models, and EyeBot compatible.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-25)
    Voting 0
  2. Type: Virtual/Remote lab
    Language: English, Spanish
    Author: AUROVA Group, University of Alicante
    Description: RobUALab.Ejs is a virtual and remote laboratory for Robotics, which allows the operation of a 3D robot arm simulation in its workspace, and also permits to send commands to the real robot located in a laboratory of the University od Alicante. The application represents and remotly operates the Scorbot ER-IX robot from Intelitek.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0

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