Tags: cc4-mech-rob-comp* + virtual*

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  1. Type: Virtual Lab
    Language: ENglish
    Author: Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
    Description: This portal offers a big collection of virtual labs about various disciplines of Science and Engineering, among which are included Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Within these categories, there are laboratories on Industrial Automation, PLCs, Sensors Modeling & Simulation, Electrical Machines, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial intelligence, Mobile Robotics, etc. In addition to Labs, also documentation to support the experiments is available, including manuals, procedures, videos, or questions. This project is supported by the Indian Government, and multiple Indian Institutes of Technology.
    Added by Administrator (2016-03-31)
    Voting 1
  2. Type: Virtual Lab
    Language: Spanish
    Author: AUROVA Group
    Description: VISUAL is a program for graphical specification and simulation of computer vision algorithms. It has large amount of image processing operations, and also allows you to add new operations. VISUAL is a suitable tool for learning image processing techniques thanks to its easy implementation and use.
    Added by TC 9.4 (2016-03-26)
    Voting 0
  3. Type: Virtual Lab.
    Language: English
    Author: REX web farm
    Description: The purpose of this ContLab is to introduce free virtual laboratories (Java applets) presenting advanced control algorithms for automation and robotics. Using these interactive tools, you can learn a lot about PID control and autotuning, predictive control, sliding mode control, vibration damping, motion control, etc. The applets can be used for all educational, RTD and commercial purposes. ContLab is a cornerstone of REX web farm.
    Added by TC 9.4 (2016-02-23)
    Voting 0
  4. Type: Virtual Lab.
    Language: English
    Author: of the Robotics and Automation Lab., University of Western Australia
    Description: This site provides different software tools for simulating autonomous mobile robots, among which are SubSim and EyeSim. SubSim is a submarine simulator with physics engine, sub-sea terrain models, flexible API. EyeSim is a mobile robot simulator for multiple robots with vision feedback, collision detection, error models, and EyeBot compatible.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-25)
    Voting 0
  5. Type: Virtual/Remote lab
    Language: English, Spanish
    Author: AUROVA Group, University of Alicante
    Description: RobUALab.Ejs is a virtual and remote laboratory for Robotics, which allows the operation of a 3D robot arm simulation in its workspace, and also permits to send commands to the real robot located in a laboratory of the University od Alicante. The application represents and remotly operates the Scorbot ER-IX robot from Intelitek.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-08)
    Voting 0
  6. Type: Virtual/Remote Lab
    Language: English, Swedish, Greek
    Author: Ingvar Gustavsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology
    Description: Electronics laboratory capable of emulating a traditional one. The laboratory supply basic equipment, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, function generator and power supply. With these and a number of electronic components you can build circuits on our virtual breadboard. The circuits you build will be formed and measured on, with real equipment. The laboratory is open for guests when its not used in regular lab sessions. Guest sessions are limited to 30 minutes.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-06)
    Voting 0
  7. Type: Miscellaneus
    Language: English,Spanish
    Author: UNED, Others
    Description: In UNILabs, you can find interactive laboratories from a wide variety of fields: automatic control, physics, electronics, etc.
    Added by Administrator (2015-11-04)
    Voting 0

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