Tags: java* + cc3-comp-cogn-com*

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  1. Type: Virtual Lab.
    Language: Spanish,English
    Author: AUROVA group, University of Alicante
    Description: KivaNS (Kiva Network Simulator) is a free and open source Java based application which allows user to design data network schemes and to simulate the IP routing through these networks. The main aim of KivaNS is facilitate the study of who IP works in order to route the data packets through different network technologies. KivaNS includes an API that offers a Java simulation engine for data networks, as well as a complete graphical user interface.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-25)
    Voting 0
  2. Type: Software tool
    Language: English
    Author: Francisco Esquembre
    Description: Easy Java/Javascript Simulations, also known as EjsS (and, formerly, EJS or Ejs), is a free authoring tool written in Java that helps non-programmers create interactive simulations in Java or Javascript, mainly for teaching or learning purposes. EjsS has been created by Francisco Esquembre and is part of the Open Source Physics project.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-26)
    Voting 0
  3. Type: Virtual lab
    Language: English-Spanish
    Author: University of Alicante
    Description: KivaNS (Kiva Network Simulator) is a free and open source Java based application which allows user to design data network schemes and to simulate the IP routing through these networks. In contrast with the majority of available free simulation applications, which are designed to evaluate throughput of the specifics protocols, the main aims of KivaNS are simulate how IP works, and, specially, study the different techniques to route the data packets through different network technologies.
    Added by Administrator (2015-02-19)
    Voting 0

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