Tags: tutorial* + control*

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  1. Type: Document, Simulation
    Language: English
    Author: fuzzyTECH
    Description: FuzzyTECH is a company which develops software tools for fuzzy logic and neural-fuzzy solutions. In its web, a demo application is available for free download, which allows user to explore fuzzy logic with many application examples, using animated software simulations. This web also gives access to an interesting library with provides comprehensive background information for the application of fuzzy logic techniques in real-world applications. You will find introductory reading, literature references, and many application notes in both technical and business type applications.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-26)
    Voting 0
  2. Type: Repository
    Language: English
    Author: IFAC, B. Pasik-Duncan, S. Dormido, A. Rossiter, L. Vlacic
    Description: The IFAC Control Resources (ICR) Publications provide the wide range of control and non-control communities the opportunity to explore the world of control, a field that spans beautifully and powerfully science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The purpose of the IRC Publications is to engage junior and senior researchers in the learning and teaching process through discovering new ideas and bringing the history of control resources together. The IRC includes downloadable materials as well as links to different kind of resources as virtual laboratories, databases, publications, etc. It also provides a good reference about the history of Control.
    Added by Administrator (2015-03-25)
    Voting 0

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